
“By default Flask looks for templates in a templates subdirectory 
located inside the main application directory. For the next version of 
hello.py, you need to create the templates subdirectory and store the 
templates defined in the previous examples in it as index.html and 
user.html, respectively.”

Excerpt From
Flask Web Development
Miguel Grinberg
This material may be protected by copyright.

按照狼书的说明,使用templates的好处是,把业务逻辑和代码的呈现逻辑进行了隔离,这样的好处是非常清晰,不会让程序员的思路混乱,当使用git checkout 3a后,检查目录结构如下:

(venv) MDMacPro/Users/madapapa/Study/madapapa.com/flaskr/flaskproject/
flaskygit:(e020af8) [12:20]ls
LICENSE     __pycache__ templates
README.md   hello.py

debug mode

“(venv) $ export FLASK_APP=hello.py
(venv) $ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
(venv) $ flask run”

Excerpt From
Flask Web Development
Miguel Grinberg
This material may be protected by copyright.

通过export FLASK_DEBUG=1开启debug模式,有两个好处

  • reloader模式可以在修改源代码的同时,自动重启服务器,代码的修改结果在运行环境下自动生效,对调试非常友好
  • debugger模式,可以让你的浏览器显示错误信息,不过在生产环境下绝对不能打开这个模式。






from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')

def user(name1):
    return render_template('user.html', na=name1)


<h1>Hello, {{ na }}!</h1>


“<p>A value from a dictionary: {{ mydict['key'] }}.</p>
“<p>A value from a list: {{ mylist[3] }}.</p>”
“<p>A value from a list with variable index:{{ mylist[myvar] }}.</p>”
“<p>A value from an object's method: {{ myobj.somemethod() }}.</p>”