

stream = True # 流式输出或非流式输出
model_id = "nova-ptc-xl-v1" # 填写真实的模型ID

resp = sensenova.ChatCompletion.create(
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "人生天地间,下一句是啥"}],
        "control_level": "normal",
        "knowledge_base_result": True,
        "associated_knowledge": {
            "content": "需要注入给模型的知识",
            "mode": "concatenate"
        "web_search": {
            "search_enable": True,
            "result_enable": True

if not stream:
    resp = [resp]
for part in resp:
    choices = part['data']["choices"]
    for c_idx, c in enumerate(choices):
        if len(choices) > 1:
            sys.stdout.write("===== Chat Completion {} =====\n".format(c_idx))
        if stream:
            delta = c.get("delta")
            if delta:
            if len(choices) > 1:

下面我们来line by line的解释


  1. stream = True: This line sets a variable named stream. If True, it indicates that the output will be in a streaming fashion. Streaming output is typically used for real-time data processing.
  2. model_id = "nova-ptc-xl-v1": Here, model_id is set to the string "nova-ptc-xl-v1", which seems to be the identifier of a specific model in the Sensenova framework.
  3. resp = sensenova.ChatCompletion.create(…): This line calls the create method of the ChatCompletion class from the sensenova module. This method likely generates a chat completion or response based on the given parameters.
  4. messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "人生天地间,下一句是啥"}]: Specifies the input message for the chat model. Here, the role is set as "user" and the content is a Chinese phrase.
  5. model=model_id: Specifies the model to be used for chat completion.
  6. stream=stream: Passes the stream variable to control streaming behavior.
  7. max_new_tokens=1024: Limits the number of new tokens (words/characters) that the model can generate.
  8. n=1: Indicates that the number of completions to generate is 1.
  9. repetition_penalty=1.05: Adjusts the likelihood of the model repeating the same line.
  10. temperature=0.9: Sets the creativity or randomness of the response.
  11. top_p=0.7: Controls the diversity of the response.
  12. know_ids=[]: An empty list, possibly for specifying known IDs for context or tracking.
  13. user="sensenova-python-test-user": Specifies a user identifier.
  14. knowledge_config={…}: Configures how the model should use external knowledge.
  15. plugins={…}: Configures additional features or plugins, like injecting knowledge (associated_knowledge) and enabling web search (web_search).
  16. if not stream: resp = [resp]: If stream is False, this wraps resp in a list. This is probably for consistency in processing the response whether it’s streaming or not.
  17. for part in resp:: Iterates over each part in the response.
  18. choices = part[‘data’]["choices"]: Extracts the choices from the response data. This might contain the actual chat completions or responses.
  19. for c_idx, c in enumerate(choices):: Iterates over the choices, with c_idx being the index and c being the content.
  20. if len(choices) > 1: …: If there are multiple choices, it prints a separator with the index.
  21. Inside the nested if and else:
  22. If stream is True, it prints delta from each choice, which might be a part of the streaming response.
  23. If stream is False, it prints the message from each choice.
  24. sys.stdout.flush(): Ensures that everything written to the standard output is actually displayed. This is often used in streaming or real-time applications to update the output promptly.

This code seems to be a part of a chatbot implementation using the Sensenova framework, where it sends a message to a chat model and processes the response, either in a streaming manner or as a complete response.


  • stream = True:这行代码设置了一个名为 stream 的变量。如果为 True,表示输出将以流式方式进行。流式输出通常用于实时数据处理。
  • model_id = "nova-ptc-xl-v1":这里,model_id 被设置为字符串 "nova-ptc-xl-v1",这似乎是 Sensenova 框架中特定模型的标识符。
  • resp = sensenova.ChatCompletion.create(…):这行代码调用了 sensenova 模块中 ChatCompletion 类的 create 方法。这个方法可能会根据给定的参数生成聊天回复。
  • messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "人生天地间,下一句是啥"}]:指定了聊天模型的输入消息。这里,角色被设置为 "user",内容是一个中文短语。
  • model=model_id:指定用于聊天完成的模型。
  • stream=stream:传递 stream 变量以控制流式行为。
  • max_new_tokens=1024:限制模型可以生成的新令牌(单词/字符)的数量。
  • n=1:表示要生成的完成次数为 1。
  • repetition_penalty=1.05:调整模型重复相同行的可能性。
  • temperature=0.9:设置回应的创造性或随机性。
  • top_p=0.7:控制回应的多样性。
  • know_ids=[]:一个空列表,可能用于指定上下文或跟踪的已知 ID。
  • user="sensenova-python-test-user":指定用户标识符。
  • knowledge_config={…}:配置模型如何使用外部知识。
  • plugins={…}:配置额外的功能或插件,如注入知识(associated_knowledge)和启用网络搜索(web_search)。
  • if not stream: resp = [resp]:如果 stream 为 False,则将 resp 包装在列表中。这可能是为了无论是否流式,处理响应时的一致性。
  • for part in resp::遍历响应中的每个部分。
  • choices = part[‘data’]["choices"]:从响应数据中提取 choices。这可能包含实际的聊天完成或响应。
  • for c_idx, c in enumerate(choices)::遍历 choices,c_idx 为索引,c 为内容。
  • if len(choices) > 1: …:如果有多个选项,它将打印一个分隔符和索引。
  • 在嵌套的 if 和 else 中:
    • 如果 stream 为 True,它会打印每个选项中的 delta,这可能是流式响应的一部分。
    • 如果 stream 为 False,它会打印每个选项中的 message。
  • sys.stdout.flush():确保写入标准输出的所有内容实际上都被显示。这在流式或实时应用中经常用于及时更新输出。

这段代码似乎是使用 Sensenova 框架的聊天机器人实现的一部分,其中它发送消息到聊天模型并处理响应,无论是以流式方式还是作为完整的响应。



“核采样参数,解码生成token时,在概率和大于等于top_p的最小token集合中进行采样”这句话描述的是一种称为“核采样”(Top-p sampling)的机制,它用于生成语言模型的回复。下面是这个概念的详细解释:

核采样(Top-p sampling):这是一种在自然语言处理中用于生成文本的技术。在生成下一个词(token)时,核采样只考虑那些累积概率和达到指定阈值 top_p 的最可能的词。 解码生成token:当语言模型生成回复时,它逐个生成词(token)。解码过程是选择每个步骤中应该生成哪个词的过程。 在概率和大于等于top_p的最小token集合中进行采样:这意味着在生成每个词时,模型会查看所有可能的下一个词及其概率。然后,它计算这些概率的累积和,并选择一个累积和至少为 top_p 的词的集合。模型仅从这个集合中随机选择下一个词,而不是从所有可能的词中选择。 举例来说,如果 top_p 设为0.7,模型会考虑累积概率和至少达到70%的那部分词。这样的选择过程确保了生成的文本既有一定的多样性(因为不总是选择最可能的词),同时也保持了一定的连贯性和可读性。 核采样是一种平衡生成文本多样性和可预测性的有效方法,常用于各种基于深度学习的语言生成模型。



In Python, an instance is a specific object created from a class. A class is a blueprint that defines the members (attributes and methods) it supports, and an instance is a concrete object created based on this blueprint. Each instance has the attributes and methods defined in the class.
Example: If you have a Dog class, when you create a Dog object, that object is an instance of the Dog class.

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

my_dog = Dog("Buddy")  # my_dog is an instance of the Dog class


In Python, an object is the fundamental unit in the program, and almost everything is an object, including numbers, strings, data structures, functions, and even classes themselves. Each object has a type (indicating what it is) and identity (a unique identifier).
Example: In the Dog class above, my_dog is not just an instance, but also an object.


In Python, an item typically refers to a single element within a container type like a list, tuple, or dictionary.
Example: In a list, each element at a position is an item.

numbers = [1, 2, 3]
first_item = numbers[0]  # first_item is an item in the list, with a value of 1


In Python, an attribute is a variable that belongs to an object. In a class definition, attributes are variables defined outside of methods and are used to store the state of an instance.
Example: In the Dog class, name is an attribute.

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name  # name is an attribute

my_dog = Dog("Buddy")
print(my_dog.name)  # Accessing the name attribute of my_dog

In this example, Dog is a class, my_dog is an instance of the Dog class (and also an object), name is an attribute of the my_dog object, and [1, 2, 3] is a list where 1, 2, and 3 are items in the list.





class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

my_dog = Dog("Buddy")  # my_dog 是 Dog 类的一个实例



numbers = [1, 2, 3]
first_item = numbers[0]  # first_item 是列表中的一个项目,值为 1



class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name  # name 是一个属性

my_dog = Dog("Buddy")
print(my_dog.name)  # 访问 my_dog 的 name 属性

在这个例子中,Dog是一个类,my_dog是Dog类的一个实例(同时也是一个对象),name是my_dog对象的一个属性,而[1, 2, 3]是一个列表,其中的1、2、3是列表的项目。