

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(LabelEncoder)

X_trans = X.apply(lambda x: d[x.name].fit_transform(x))


The expression lambda x: d[x.name].fit_transform(x) is a compact way of applying a function to each column of a pandas DataFrame. Let’s dissect this expression further to understand how it works in the context of transforming categorical data into numerical format using LabelEncoder in a Python environment.

The lambda Function

A lambda function in Python is a small anonymous function defined with the keyword lambda. The syntax is:

lambda arguments: expression

In this case, the lambda function has one argument x (representing a column of the DataFrame) and the expression involves applying the fit_transform method from a LabelEncoder instance to x.

How the lambda Function is Applied

  • x: Within the context of the apply() method, x represents each column in the DataFrame one at a time. For instance, if the DataFrame has columns "Color" and "Size", x will be the "Color" column data in one iteration and the "Size" column data in the next.

Usage of d[x.name]

  • d: This is a defaultdict containing instances of LabelEncoder. The use of defaultdict ensures that if a LabelEncoder for a particular column name does not exist, it will automatically create a new LabelEncoder instance without raising an error.

  • x.name: This attribute fetches the name of the column currently being processed (like "Color" or "Size").

  • d[x.name]: This retrieves the LabelEncoder instance for the column named x.name. If it’s the first time this column is being accessed, defaultdict initializes a new LabelEncoder for this key.

The fit_transform Method

  • fit_transform(): This method is part of LabelEncoder and serves a dual purpose:
    • fit: It learns the mapping from the labels in the column to integers. For example, for a column with labels ["Red", "Blue", "Green"], it might learn the mapping Red -> 0, Blue -> 1, Green -> 2.
    • transform: It then transforms the labels into these integers based on the mapping it has learned.

Putting It All Together

When you call X.apply(lambda x: d[x.name].fit_transform(x)), it performs the following steps for each column in DataFrame X:

  • Accesses each column as x.
  • Fetches the LabelEncoder for that column by x.name.
  • Applies fit_transform to the column, converting text labels into integers.
  • Returns a new DataFrame where each text label has been replaced by an integer.

This method is particularly useful when preparing data for machine learning models, which generally require numeric input features rather than text labels. The transformation is done in-place and efficiently for each column, utilizing the flexibility of defaultdict and the functionality of LabelEncoder.