
Create a Dockerfile

Ensure you have your OpenVPN client profile files (e.g., .oxxxx files) ready on your server,在同一目录下,新建一个Dockerfile,同时把*.oxxxx 拷贝到这个目录下。

vi Dockerfile


# Use an official Nginx runtime as a parent image
FROM nginx:alpine

# Copy your client profile files to the container
COPY *.oxxx /usr/share/nginx/html/

# Expose port 80

Build the Docker Image

In the directory containing your Dockerfile, build the Docker image using the docker build command:

docker build -t openxxxx-web-server .

Run the Docker Container:**

Start a Docker container based on the image you just built:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name openxxx-web-server openxxx-web-server

Access Your Client Profiles:**

Your Openxxx client profile files should now be accessible via HTTP on your server’s IP address or domain name. You can access them using a URL like this:


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