

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: webapp
  namespace: demo
    app: webapp
  nodeName: 'k8s-worker-2'
    - name: webapp
      image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80


The YAML configuration you've provided is for a Kubernetes Pod named "webapp" in the "demo" namespace. Here's a breakdown of the configuration:

- `apiVersion: v1` and `kind: Pod`: These fields specify the Kubernetes API version and the resource type, which, in this case, is a Pod.

- `metadata`: This section contains metadata information for the Pod, such as its name, namespace, and labels.

  - `name: webapp`: The name of the Pod is set to "webapp."

  - `namespace: demo`: The Pod is created within the "demo" namespace.

  - `labels`: Labels are key-value pairs that help you organize and categorize Pods. In this case, the label "app" is set to "webapp."

- `spec`: This section defines the specifications of the Pod, including its containers, resources, and other settings.

  - `nodeName: 'k8s-worker-2'`: This field specifies the node (Kubernetes worker node) where the Pod should be scheduled. It pins the Pod to a specific node named "k8s-worker-2." This is known as node affinity and ensures that the Pod runs on a specific node, which can be useful for various scenarios such as hardware requirements or node-specific configurations.

  - `containers`: This is a list of containers running within the Pod. In this case, there is one container defined.

    - `name: webapp`: The container is named "webapp."

    - `image: nginx`: This field specifies the Docker image to use for this container. In this case, it uses the official Nginx image.

    - `ports`: This field defines the ports that are exposed by the container.

      - `containerPort: 80`: The container exposes port 80, which is the default port for HTTP traffic, allowing the Nginx web server within the container to listen for incoming HTTP requests.

This configuration will create a Pod running an Nginx web server on a specific node named "k8s-worker-2" in the "demo" namespace. The web server within the Pod will be accessible on port 80, and it has the label "app=webapp" for categorization and selection purposes.

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